Monday, June 15, 2015

On Vacation!

Farmhouse Soaps is on vacation!  Well, not really - LOL!

My daughters and I are in the process of relocating to the Louisville, Kentucky area.
We have made the decision to move to warmer climates, horse country, and the land of green hills and pastures.

 To allow us time to pack up our house and our horses, I will be taking the month of June off.

The great news is that Farmhouse Soaps will be getting a new name and a brand new look!

The commitment to quality of our soap will remain the same - but, will also have some new added products for you to enjoy.

I will be carrying many of my most popular 'seasonal' scents year round, I will be adding a botanical line that will include soaps made with pure essential oils, infused base oils, and lovely added botanicals.

We will also be adding essential oil infused salves and fragrant bath salts sold in vintage containers.  Great for pampering yourself or giving as gifts!

To be realistic, I anticipate the opening of our new Soap Company to be right after the 4th of July!

I will be able to ship anywhere in the United States!  For anyone who lives in the Louisville area, I will be attending several of the local Farmer's Markets as well.

This is an exciting time for Farmhouse Soaps as we plan to rebrand and re-launch our wonderful soap company.  I thank you for your excitement, encouragement and support over the years.

Looking forward to sharing this exciting time with you.
Blessings ~ Marianne

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Art of Experimenting

One of the best aspects of creating soap is the freedom to personalize each component of the recipe.

From the coloring,  to the fragrance, to the added botanicals, there are endless compositions you can create! If you give 100 soapmakers the exact same 10 ingredients, you’ll end up with 100 completely different styles and varieties of soap. It’s amazing how much artistry goes into creating soap.

I think this is what I love most about making soap!

I have been playing around with colors and textures.  Because soapmaking is basically chemistry - there is no way to know ahead of time how the soap will 'behave.'
When it goes through the gel phase, the soap heats up to 180 degrees! This can effect the coloring of soap, the scent and the texture.  When using pure essential oils it can decrease the scent.  When using skin-safe fragrance oils, it can change up how the final scent cures.  When using natural oxides for coloring it can affect the outcome or cause what are known as 'glycerin rivers.'

Glycerin Rivers - while not harmful - it's not visually pleasing!
This is what you DON'T want to happen to your soap!

I recently did a custom order for a local company.  We created a custom scent just for their customers.  I can't tell you how fun it was to work with these amazing folks and come up with a product that they loved and hopefully their customers will love. Creating scents and colors for custom orders really challenges me in a good way and allows me to play with all those wonderful aspect of creating beautiful soap.

I try to set aside time in my business to just play with the soap.  Making small batches and seeing how it will turn out.

As I continue to create fine handcrafted soap, it is always my hope to bring you the very best product available.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Welcome Spring

Spring brings a time of renewal, refreshment, rejuvenation.  
A special smell is in the air, starry nights and sunny days.  The daffodils and crocuses are beginning to bloom.  The pussy willow has already set seed and it's fuzzy, soft buds are beginning to fade.

As the days begin to grow longer, our days seem to get busier.  It's no different for Farmhouse Soaps.  As I continue to progress and contemplate the future of Farmhouse Soaps, I am excited to share that you may see some new branding and even possibly a new name for Farmhouse Soaps. 

While I love the name Farmhouse Soaps and it is where my handcrafted soap began - in my 1880's farmhouse kitchen, I see a bright and exciting future ahead.

I am planning the new seasonal scents for summer, fall and winter as well as a personal product line.  You will be seeing artisan bath salts, lip balms, body butters, salves, and gift sets.   As I plan and look to the future, incorporating more products for you to enjoy, I will also be attending more local events and a new website design.

As always, I lay these plans before God as He has abundantly blessed my personal and business life.  I always look to Him for guidance and wisdom.

Have a glorious day ahead as I leave you with this lovely poem, The Blessings of Spring,  by Deborah Ann.

There are many blessings,
that each new Spring brings
you can see it bloom about
and hear the song it sings.

With winters bleakness over,
and brighter days ahead
comes promises of new life
Springtime loves to spread.

As God unfolds the flowers,
and their buds begin to show
He gives to us the assurance
grace in our hearts will grow.

He sends us the robin’s song,
with the promise to provide
a shelter under His mighty wing
where in His love we can abide.

He melts the snowy covers,
and sends the refreshing rain
sprinkling us with His mercies
to heal winter’s ache and pain.

God’s given to all His Son,
to shed upon us a new light
and the real blessing of Spring . . .
is keeping Jesus in our sight!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Handcrafted Soap a Luxury or a Necessity?

This is a topic that is near and dear to every soapmaker's heart.  There is a reason I make my own soap and I am about to share with you the 'why' behind using fine handcrafted soap versus commercial soap.

What's in your soap dish?

My bathroom soap dish ~ we all have our favorites!
Do you really know?  
Have you ever really read the list of
ingredients in commercial soap.

Commercial soap is pretty, is smells nice, it lathers, it has pretty packaging and it is typically very inexpensive. 

Do you have dry skin?  Does it tend to crack in the wintertime? Does it feel dull and rough?
Psstt.......may I share a little secret with you??
There is a reason why your skin feels like that.

Let's take a look at a typical list of ingredients in a commercial "beauty bar."  That's right - they now call them beauty bars for a reason - it isn't real soap.

Let take a look at Dove.  

Dove is one of the top selling beauty bars available.  Here is the description that the company uses to describe Dove:
The secret to beautiful skin is every-day moisture (hmm...what ingredient would that be?), and no other bar hydrates skin better than Dove. With ¼ moisturizing cream (again, wondering what moisturizing cream is), Dove Beauty Bar helps skin feel more firm and elastic when compared to ordinary soap.

Okay, I admit - I threw in a little bit of humor - but you do have to wonder.  Dove is quite secretive when it comes to their public product description.  They make it sound like an ideal, safe product.

Dove's beauty bar ingredients:

sodium cocoyl isethionate ~ (synthetic detergent)

Stearic acid ~ (hardener)

Sodium tallowate ~ (sodium salt of animal fat)


Sodium isethionate ~ (detergent/emulsifying agent)

Coconut acid ~ (the sodium salt of coconut oil)

Sodium stearate ~ (emulsifier, also used as a cheap stabilizer in plastics)

Sodium dodecylbenzonesulfonate ~ (synthetic detergent, skin irritant)

Sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernalate ~ (sodium salts of coconut or palm kernel oils)

Fragrance ~ (synthetic scent, potential allergen, common skin irritant)

Sodium chloride ~ (table salt used as a thickener)

Trisodium EDTA ~ (stabilizer, water softener, skin irritant)

Trisodium etidronate ~ (preservative, a chemical that is used in soaps to prevent soap scum)

BHT ~ (preservative, common skin irritant)

Hmmmmm...... so what do you think?  Now you might understand why your skin is dull, cracked, rough and dry.
          Now let's take a look at a basic bar of Farmhouse Soaps!

100% Olive Oil

Coconut Oil

Sustainably Harvested Palm Oil

Water (or another liquid, quite often goat's milk or  tea).

Sodium Hydroxide (Lye -yes, lye more on that in a bit).

That's it!!

All handcrafted soaps must have three things:  water (or another liquid), lye, and base oils (olive, coconut, jojoba, palm, etc.)

Let quickly address that word 'Lye" - because I know what you are thinking.  I know it is sending up a little red flag, but it's okay - trust me on this!

What most people don't realize is that soap making is all chemistry. A chemical reaction takes place between all the ingredients in soap making and this is called saponification.

Saponification occurs when an oil (vegetable or animal based) is mixed with a strong alkali which is the lye. And the final result of that chemical reaction is soap and glycerin. Did you know that handmade soap actually contains more
natural glycerin than glycerin soap.

So just so you really understand ~  there is no longer lye present in soap after the saponification process has completed. It become neutral.

Okay, so that is enough for the chemistry lesson for today.  I think you get the idea that lye is a necessary ingredient that is not harmful once saponification takes place.

And then, once you have that base set of ingredients in place, this is where the fun beings! There are so many things that can be added to soap. From herbs and flowers and other natural products. Honey, aloe, oatmeal, cornmeal, pumice, just to name a few. 

Truly, it is endless what you can do with a bar of real, handcrafted soap.

So, now, go into your bathroom and take a look at what's in your soap dish.

Ready to give handcrafted soap a try and see and feel the difference?

Stop by my Etsy Shop and have a look around. 

Questions?  Contact me, I love to talk soap and would be happy to answer your questions!

Have a great day - hope you are enjoying this fine spring weather!

Blessings ~

Sunday, March 29, 2015

His Grace in the Journey ~ Trust

Trust.... according to Webster it means ~

  • reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. 
  • confident expectation of something; hope.
  • a person on whom or thing on which one relies.
We might think it would be easy...but in reality it can be so hard.
As humans, we falter and fail daily.  We over-promise and under-deliver, we 'want' to please others but find we fall short, we sin and the ripple effect may hurt others.

But - the good news is that we serve this amazing God....

He doesn't over promise and under-deliver,
He won't fall short,
He doesn't sin.

He is perfect...and so is His plan.  For years, I have told this to my daughters over and over - "God's plan is perfect, we have to TRUST Him and His plan!"

Easier said than done sometimes!  Especially for me.  I am so weak in this area.  I come from a now-broken marriage where the trust was shattered due to an addiction.  29 years. Trust repeatedly broken.  I have fallen into the trenches in the trust department. 

So, now it is my turn to listen to what I have been telling my daughters for so many years ~ God's plan IS perfect, we have to TRUST Him and His plan!

I KNOW that trusting in God can transform our lives.  I have come to realize that trusting God is simply believing that ~
He loves you!
He has the power to help you!
He wants to help you!
And He will help you!

It  is my hope that sharing my times when I fall short we can, together, build each other up and realize what a hope we have in Jesus Christ.

That on the days when we are strong and confident and trust God 100%, that those days can become the majority of our life. 

We can carry such a peace with us that no matter what happens in our life, we can trust the Lord's plan, we can count on Him loving us, we can know He has the power to help, we can be assured that He wants to help us and we can know, in our hearts, 100% of the time, that He WILL help us!

Although, I certainly know the days we walk in the trenches and trusting can be SO hard, so challenging, and so unclear. 

But know, dear friend, that the Lord is always there, always loving, always merciful and always our one true source that we can 100% trust - each and every day. :)

Praying your Sunday is filled with...

Experiencing His Grade in the Journey.

Blessings to you and your family today,

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Herbs, Botanicals, and Infusions Oh My!

There are simply NO limits to what you can create when producing handcrafted soap.

You have colors your can choose from.

You have hundreds of essential oils and fragrance oils you work with.

And then there is the magical world of herbs, botanicals, and infusions.

Let's look at herbs first.  In general, herbs should be dried and ground for use in soap, though occasionally herbal teas are used to replace some or all of the water for the lye solution.  If you want to avoid darkening of the herbs when added to soap, incorporate an antioxidant such as vitamin E into your soap (more on this in another post).
Lavender is, of course, the most commonly used herb in soap making, but rosemary, sage, chamomile, hops, lemongrass, spearmint and many other beneficial herbs are used to enhance the visual and aromatic appeal and skin-soothing properties of soap.

Imagine chocolate mint leaves - dried and added to a chocolate mint soap!  Bliss!

Secondly, botanicals can be used in soap making.  What exactly are botanicals and how are they different from herbs?  Botancials can consist of flower petals such as calendula petals, rose hips, chamomile buds, leaves, powders, and seeds.  Seeds can provide a gentle exfoliant to the skin all the while nourishing the skin at the same time.  Again, like using herbs, it is best to use dried botanicals.

Finally - what is an infusion?  Infusions are when we take a base oil such as olive oil and add herbs or botanicals to the oil.  We then let the oil slowly heat or sit in the sun for days or weeks so that the beautiful color and scent can penetrate the base oil.  This results in some beautiful colors as well as remarkable scented base oils.
If you have a fragrant garden, you can pick the buds, leaves, and flowers to add to a base oil.  You can gently heat the oil for an hour or two in the top of a double boiler or left to warm in the sun for 24 to 48 hours. Some soap makers will let the infusions soak for several weeks, changing out the soaked herbs for fresh ones each week until the desired scent and/or color is reached. Soaked flowers can be removed and new flowers added to intensify the fragrance that will be transferred to the oil. 
Infused oils can be used either as a base oil or added at trace to fragrantly superfat the soap (more on superfatting in another post).

Infusing Olive Oil with Calendula petals.

Finally - you can simply 'decorate' your soaps with beautiful buds, herbs and botanicals.  I love to top lavender soap with lavender buds.

But ~ I must warn you ~ some folks do not like the 'mess' of buds on their soap.  They are so beautiful on the bar - but yes, they do fall off the soap when you use it. Yes, they do leave little bits in your sinks. Yes, they do leave little reminders in your bath tub.  But, to me, the beauty of the buds and the scents that radiates off the soap is SO worth the little bit of mess!

I have found soap making to be so very therapeutic.  While going through some life changing events this past year, I found much peace as I could let my creative side flow through my soap making.

Coming up with colors, scents, and then thinking about botanicals, herbs, and infusions opens a whole new world to soap making.

I hope this gives you a little glimpse into the amazing world of soap making.  Now when you see my soap with buds, or infused oils on the label - you will know exactly what has been added or gone into the process of making that bar special!

Have a blessed day ~

Sunday, March 22, 2015

His Grace in the Journey - His Loving Arms

I was fortunate enough to grow up with a very loving father.  He was a quiet man, a good provider and a passive leader for our family.  He was loving and his arms were always open to me. 

Being the youngest of three children and a girl ~ well, you know how that goes.  I was the princess!  Especially is my daddy's eyes - I was daddy's girl! 
We had a very close relationship and I came to depend on him always. 
He provided a sense of security for me, so much love, a safe place to fall, a lap to climb on, a shoulder to cry on, and loving arms always around me.

All that changed in September, 1990.  He passed away from a brief encounter with cancer.  I am thankful to this day that he didn't suffer, even though I had only 3 months to prepare for losing him.

On the day of his funeral service, I had a sense of peace.  Everyone knew how close we were and thought I would not be able to manage being at his service.  But, while it was difficult - only because I would miss him here on this earth - again, I had a huge sense of peace.  Because now he was with our Heavenly Father, in His loving arms.

And while I miss my dad's loving arms still today, I feel God's amazing, loving arms around me always. 
Arms outstretched - always waiting for us.  The Lord is our Heavenly Father and His arms are always open - always waiting for us - always inviting us in to His presence.

When you experience the Lord's open arms you welcome in His grace and His love.  Both of which we desperately need in our lives.

Even when you think you are simply not worthy of His abundant love, He is there waiting.

Even when you have sinned and faltered - He is there waiting. Ready to forgive and invite you in.

Even when you are trying to control everything in your life - He is there waiting.  Ready to take control!

Even when you are angry and look away from Him - He is there waiting.  Ready to reassure you of His presence in your life.

Even when you may question His existence - He is there waiting.  Ready to reveal Himself to you.

He is always there waiting - with His loving arms open and ready to take you in and surround you with His love.

Open your heart each and every day to God's loving arms, His abundant grace, His immense love for us.  Experience His strength and power in your life. 

May your week ahead be blessed, may you feel His glorious arms around you and His abundant love in your life.

Experiencing His Grace in the Journey ~

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Having a Home-Based Business - Part Two

While yesterday I shared the 'real' side of having a home-based business and did have some fun with it.  I would like to now take today to share why having your own business is so rewarding and worthwhile.
You are going to see that this blog is not only about soap.  I love to share my life, my journey, my experiences.  Whether talking about soap, businesses, DIY recipes, and real life - I do hope you enjoy the journey with me!

If you have that inkling deep inside, a twinge of entrepreneurial spirit, or have always known you wanted to have your own business - well, let me share how the benefits can far outweigh the negatives. And also just encourage you to go for it!

My reasoning for wanting to work from home was to be able to still contribute to our household income, but be home with my daughters and be able to help out on our small horse farm.  Now, that my life has taken on a new chapter and I am a single mom of two grown daughters, it is even more important that I have a sustainable income every month.  My business is in place and I am at a point to work even harder to make Farmhouse Soaps grow.

Ability to Work From Home
In addition to wanting to be my own boss, this was one of the primary reasons for me wanting my own business.  I wanted to work from home!  I wanted to be there for my kids versus being gone 10 hours a day.

Know your Values
A very dear friend of mine has been coaching me on setting my values for Farmhouse Soaps.  I learned early on that this is crucial to establishing the foundation of your business.  Your values "have to be personal, they have to stand for something.  This is how your business name and who you are will be perceived in the business world."  I could write pages about identifying your values.  Maybe we will cover that in another post!

It Takes Time!
Building a business doesn't happen over night!  It takes time, dedication and commitment.  There are up days with  home runs and there are down days that are spent in the trenches.  But life lessons are learned in both environments.  If I had a nickel for every failure I have experienced - well, I would be rich and wouldn't need to even make soap! LOL!  But, I am richer personally because of those failures and life lessons.

You're the Money Manager
Being a good steward of your business finances is your responsibility.  You decide how the profits are shared, spent, gifted and saved.  YOU make the financial decisions - not someone else for you.

Tax Advantages
There are a number of tax advantages to having your own business out of your home and having your office under one roof. You can deduct a part of your home’s operating expenses as business expenses. This can be a percentage of your mortgage, property taxes, insurance, utilities, and/or the expenses of household maintenance.  You can deduct mileage, supplies, telephone, internet, office furniture and home improvement in those areas where you work.  Always consult a CPA for what expenses are tax deductible.

You Set Your Hours
When life gets crazy - you can set your own personal hours that work for you and your family.  You can take time off when needed or work into the wee hours.  You set your own schedule!

Your Dream
You are building your dream - not working endless hours building someone else's dream!

Do What You Love
'Nuff said - you will be doing what you LOVE to do!

Little Start Up Cost 
Yes, you can begin a business with a moderate investment.  It might mean you have to keep your day job for a while until you can build your business, but maybe not.
Don't go into debt to start a business - begin with what you have and let it grow organically!

Try a Network Marketing Company
This is another area that you can begin your own business with very little investment.  I love Young Living Essential Oils - I am as passionate about them as I am about my soap.  So it is easy to share my story and build a team with Young Living.  Since December, 2012, I now have a team of over 250 members.  These are amazing people who have become incredible friends.  We share our enthusiasm and love of using essential oils with each other and continually support each other.
With as little as a $150 investment, you can begin your own business with Young Living.  If this is something that interests you - let me know, I would be happy to share my experience.

So, while these are not rules and/or ideas that are set in stone, they are what have worked for me.  I love using Young Living essential oils for my family and our horses and I love to make soap!

God has abundantly blessed my efforts and I give Him all the glory each and every day.  He has guided my decisions and given me immense wisdom and direction.  He is the foundation of my business and I live to honor Him through my business.

So, if I have ignited a small spark - then the desire is there.  Think about what you love to do, pray that God will guide you, give you wisdom, and set your path before you.  Then take that first step towards living your dream!  If I can do it, anybody can and that includes you!

Have a blessed Saturday and thank you for stopping by!

In His service,

Friday, March 20, 2015

Keepin' It Real - Having Your Own Business - Part One

A couple of friends have asked me to share what it is like to have my own business from home.  And this week - well, it has been a doozy!  So, I thought what a great time to share exactly what it is like working from home!

 Have I mentioned that I LOVE making soap!  
I LOVE having my own business!  
I LOVE realizing a dream I have had for a long, long time.  

I could literally make soap all day long - every day of the week.  I could work on my business every moment of every day. 

Marketing, branding, creating new soap, packaging, shipping, blogging, talking with customers, delivering locally - I really enjoy every aspect of this business.

But....let's talk real life!  This week - my power went out one day, the next day my well pump needed repair so I had no water for 6 hours, then there were a few other things that popped up......

....things like.....animals, dishes, laundry, meals, grocery shopping, elder care, banking, errands, oh and a little quality time with my daughters!

Just when you think you have your week planned out for your business and are certain it will be your most productive week ever - life jumps in.  But that's okay - little hiccups like no power and no water only make each week more fun, more interesting, and all the more challenging to work through.

Having a home-based business is a delicate balance of want you want to do, what you need to do and what you don't want to do.  Having a business from home takes discipline.  Sometimes I hit a home run and other times I have epic fails!

But ~ the great news is that it can be done.  You do have to have a daily schedule, a calendar, a routine to fit it all in.  There are so many great advantages of having a home-based business.  

Personal freedom ~ no limit to the opportunities ~ tax advantages ~ more time for family and friends ~ less stress ~ a creative outlet ~ realizing YOUR hopes and dreams ~growing and developing what you are passionate about!

So, while this week I had a master plan - things didn't go quite how I expected them to.  So, we take each day and we run with it and know that tomorrow is another chance to hit that home run!  And on those days when you had everything planned out and nothing went according to plan you just smile and embrace the day - enjoy what God has put in your path!

If you have ever had a passion, really wanted to have your own business ~ may I encourage you to go for it.  To just try it out, to just give it a chance.  It will probably be the hardest work you will ever do - but it will also be the most rewarding work you have ever done!

Keepin' it real - it is what it is! LOL!

Stop back tomorrow for Part Two - how a typical day might look when you have your own business!

Blessings always ~

Sunday, March 8, 2015

His Grace in the Journey ~ Iron Sharpens Iron

As iron sharpens iron,

                so one person sharpens another.

                            Proverbs 27:17

For most of my life, I have heard this verse from the Bible.  However, I have to admit that I never really practiced it day to day.

I always thought it was best to just mind my own business, go about my day, not confront others ~ I just thought it wasn’t my place to correct someone else.
Although I have practiced it with my daughters; being their mom, it was my place to correct, to guide, to comfort, to set what we call “course corrections” in their lives.

But applying this to my friends and other family members – well, I just stayed in my safe place and went along day to day.
It wasn’t until recently, that I personally experienced this Bible verse.  Someone cared enough about me to point out that some of my ways were not exactly what I would call God-honoring.

I struggled with pride, not being a good listener, being controlling, being judgmental, and a few other traits I am not too proud of.

Oh, I convinced myself that these traits were completely acceptable.  See, I have been through some tough years and felt that….

I wasn’t controlling – I had be responsible and care of my daughters and my life.

I wasn’t prideful – I was portraying self-confidence.

I wasn’t judgmental – I was seeing things for the way they were

I was a good listener – but I also wanted desperately to be heard.

Whew….wrong, wrong, wrong, oh and wrong.

Oh, how we can excuse our actions so easily.  And while it was very (yes, very) difficult to have these not-so-great traits brought to my attention ~ I am SO very, very grateful this person did care enough about me to tell me.

Why?  Quite simply because I could not see it.  I had every excuse imaginable to cover my actions – but they were wrong.  And because this person cared enough about me – they challenged me to make some very necessary course corrections in my own life.

Yes, iron sharpens iron.

You see, there is mutual benefit when two iron blades are rubbed together; the edges become sharper, making the edges more efficient in their task to cut and slice.

Likewise, the Word of God is a “double-edged sword” – Hebrews 4:12 - and it is with this that we are to sharpen one another – always.

Yes, iron sharpens iron.

If a knife is blunt, it still continues to be a knife, although it is less effective, less useful in service. Let us therefore be encouraged to spend more time together ~ encouraging, praying, sharing God’s Word.

Yes, iron sharpens iron.

Let us lift each other up, let us encourage one another, let us help each other to honor Christ in our day-to-day lives.  Let us sharpen each other and hold each other accountable to the One who we call our Savior.  Let us continue to shine and not become dull and continue to love each other enough to keep our focus and action on the Almighty.

Yes, iron sharpens iron - and I am personally thankful that there are those around me that will keep me sharp, shining, and living to please the Lord. 
May we all have the courage to go forward and keep each other sharp in the eyes of the Lord. Have a blessed week ahead.

Experiencing His Grace in the Journey ~ 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Tell Me About ... Lavender Lemongrass

This is a newer soap that was added to the Signature Collection earlier this year.  It was such a hit that it just had to become a soap that was available year round.

Lavender Lemongrass is a clean and inviting soap - a fresh blend of tangy lemon, bright citrus, and soft lavender flowers. 

It is made from a blend of saponified Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Sustainably Harvested Palm Oils with natural colorants, organic lavender buds, essential oils and skin-safe, began fragrance oils.

Lavender is a popular, traditional scent that you will typically find as a hand crafted soap. However, adding the Lemongrass essential oil gives it a bright, citrus aroma that puts a new twist on an old favorite!

Lavender Lemongrass comes with or without organic Lavender buds and will look beautiful in your soap dish as well as leaving your skin soft and moisturized and smelling wonderful.

Give this soap a try - you will be glad you did!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

His Grace in the Journey ~ Letting the Waters Clear

Many years ago I heard a gentleman give his testimony of how he came to accept Christ in his life.
He shared his life story and the difficulties he had faced.  Once he accepted Christ as his Savior, he was determined to walk daily with Christ.  However, he also shared about his difficulty in ‘hearing’ God.   
Wanting desperately to understand the Lord’s direction for his life, he often struggled with unanswered prayer, an inability to focus directly on Christ, a feeling that he should hear or feel God’s direction for his life.

Towards the end of his testimony, he gave this illustration and it has always stayed with me.

“Imagine you are walking barefoot through a shallow creek.  The sun is shining, the air is warm, and the creek is moving slowly.  As you step into the creek you notice how clear the waters are.  You can see small fish, plant life, the reflection of the sun and clouds,  and the pebbles that line the creek bed. 

However, as you walk and enjoy the cool waters of the creek, you notice that you stir the waters. As you move faster and splash about, you see that the water is no longer clear.  
The waters are murky and stirred up.   
You can no longer see the fish, the plant life, the sky's reflection, the bottom of the creek bed.
What was once a clear stream has become dull, muddy, murky and disheveled, and disorganized.

Then you stop, you are quiet, you stand still.  Then slowly, after some time, the waters once again begin to clear. It doesn’t happen quickly, you have to be patient, you have to be still.  You focus intently on watching the murkiness of the water slowly settle back down to the bottom of the creek bed and the waters become calm and once again…..they become clear.”

I have applied this story over and over again to my life with Christ. 

Often, I am SO busy, that I can’t hear His direction for my life.  I become distracted with the tasks before me, try to make decisions on my own, try to control my circumstances and plan out my future. 

When I am this busy I also will find myself becoming frustrated that I don’t hear my prayers answered, that I can’t seem to hear Him, that I lack the discernment to make God-honoring decisions, that my life is not glorifying His name in my day-to-day activities.

Then I realize that the waters have once again become so murky.  My busyness in life has caused me to stir the waters so much that it is going to take concentrated effort to once again let the waters become clear.   To take dedicated time out of my day to be still in His word.

Then…..when I become still, when I take time out of my day to be quiet and pray, take time to be in His word, when I lay my burdens at the foot of the cross, when I am still – He reveals Himself to me so abundantly.

I do hear His direction for my life, I see Him answer prayers that I thought He didn’t hear, I feel His presence as I walk through my day.  My daughters and I are constantly in awe of how present He is in our lives and how He does reveal Himself to us. 

While sin has separated us from God, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross has reconciled that separation.  Our sins are forgiven through Christ and we are once again connected to the Lord because of what Jesus did for us.  By simply confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness – Christ casts those sins out and they are forgotten.  We are given a new opportunity to live abundantly for Him and do our very best to glorify Him in our daily lives.

When the busyness of life seems to overwhelm and overtake your day – be still, seek Him out, pray, ask for His forgiveness, and be in His word – have quiet time with the Lord. 

Let the waters clear and hear what His plans are for you.  Feel His abundant love and grace in your life.

Experiencing His Grace in the Journey~

So then faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17