Sunday, March 29, 2015

His Grace in the Journey ~ Trust

Trust.... according to Webster it means ~

  • reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. 
  • confident expectation of something; hope.
  • a person on whom or thing on which one relies.
We might think it would be easy...but in reality it can be so hard.
As humans, we falter and fail daily.  We over-promise and under-deliver, we 'want' to please others but find we fall short, we sin and the ripple effect may hurt others.

But - the good news is that we serve this amazing God....

He doesn't over promise and under-deliver,
He won't fall short,
He doesn't sin.

He is perfect...and so is His plan.  For years, I have told this to my daughters over and over - "God's plan is perfect, we have to TRUST Him and His plan!"

Easier said than done sometimes!  Especially for me.  I am so weak in this area.  I come from a now-broken marriage where the trust was shattered due to an addiction.  29 years. Trust repeatedly broken.  I have fallen into the trenches in the trust department. 

So, now it is my turn to listen to what I have been telling my daughters for so many years ~ God's plan IS perfect, we have to TRUST Him and His plan!

I KNOW that trusting in God can transform our lives.  I have come to realize that trusting God is simply believing that ~
He loves you!
He has the power to help you!
He wants to help you!
And He will help you!

It  is my hope that sharing my times when I fall short we can, together, build each other up and realize what a hope we have in Jesus Christ.

That on the days when we are strong and confident and trust God 100%, that those days can become the majority of our life. 

We can carry such a peace with us that no matter what happens in our life, we can trust the Lord's plan, we can count on Him loving us, we can know He has the power to help, we can be assured that He wants to help us and we can know, in our hearts, 100% of the time, that He WILL help us!

Although, I certainly know the days we walk in the trenches and trusting can be SO hard, so challenging, and so unclear. 

But know, dear friend, that the Lord is always there, always loving, always merciful and always our one true source that we can 100% trust - each and every day. :)

Praying your Sunday is filled with...

Experiencing His Grade in the Journey.

Blessings to you and your family today,

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