Being the youngest of three children and a girl ~ well, you know how that goes. I was the princess! Especially is my daddy's eyes - I was daddy's girl!
We had a very close relationship and I came to depend on him always.
He provided a sense of security for me, so much love, a safe place to fall, a lap to climb on, a shoulder to cry on, and loving arms always around me.
All that changed in September, 1990. He passed away from a brief encounter with cancer. I am thankful to this day that he didn't suffer, even though I had only 3 months to prepare for losing him.
On the day of his funeral service, I had a sense of peace. Everyone knew how close we were and thought I would not be able to manage being at his service. But, while it was difficult - only because I would miss him here on this earth - again, I had a huge sense of peace. Because now he was with our Heavenly Father, in His loving arms.
And while I miss my dad's loving arms still today, I feel God's amazing, loving arms around me always. Arms outstretched - always waiting for us. The Lord is our Heavenly Father and His arms are always open - always waiting for us - always inviting us in to His presence.
When you experience the Lord's open arms you welcome in His grace and His love. Both of which we desperately need in our lives.
Even when you think you are simply not worthy of His abundant love, He is there waiting.
Even when you have sinned and faltered - He is there waiting. Ready to forgive and invite you in.
Even when you are trying to control everything in your life - He is there waiting. Ready to take control!
Even when you are angry and look away from Him - He is there waiting. Ready to reassure you of His presence in your life.
Even when you may question His existence - He is there waiting. Ready to reveal Himself to you.
He is always there waiting - with His loving arms open and ready to take you in and surround you with His love.
Open your heart each and every day to God's loving arms, His abundant grace, His immense love for us. Experience His strength and power in your life.
May your week ahead be blessed, may you feel His glorious arms around you and His abundant love in your life.
Experiencing His Grace in the Journey ~

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