We are a Christian family that strives to honor God in our daily lives. We home schooled our two daughters through high school, they have completed their college, and are pursuing their careers with passion.
My oldest daughter, Allison, is a horticulturist at the Nicholas Conservatory in Rockford. She is an avid tatter and loves to share her passion for this long lost craft. I hope you will take a moment to visit her blog, Allison's Tatted Lace.
My youngest daughter, Lea, has her own business as an equine podiatrist known as Heartland Equine Podiatry. She received her degree from the Institute of Equine Podiatry in Naples, Florida. If you are in need of outstanding care for your horse's hooves, be sure to visit her on facebook at Heartland Equine Podiatry.
We strive to live a chemical-free lifestyle, grow the food we eat, use natural health products, and buy local as much as possible. I love to garden, drink loads of coffee, visit with friends, am a student of equine nutrition, and mostly just love to learn! I am an independent representative for Young Living Essential Oils. We have been able to replace every over-the-counter medication with these pure essential oils. Please feel free to visit my facebook page at Essential Oils for Family and Farm for lots of great health tips using pure, therapeutic grade essential oils.
In 2009, I took a soap making class and loved the process of creating our own soap. However, I didn't begin making our own soap until early in 2011. I felt like I needed to learn more and do more research before investing in this amazing enterprise.
I began purchasing other people's hand crafted soap to see what I liked or disliked about the bars I purchased. Some had an oily feel to them, some were still quite drying to the skin. Some scents to pungent and some to vague. I discovered what I liked in a bar of soap and then took to researching and reading as much as I could about the process before diving in to make our own.
In early 2011 I made my first batch of soap! It came out beautiful and I was hooked! It was a simple bar made from saponified olive oil, coconut oil and sustainably-harvested palm oil. I used essential oils for scent. After that, there was no going back.
We noticed a difference in our skin immediately. As we have a small horse farm, we wash our hands a lot throughout the day and they can quickly become chapped and dry. With our newly made soap, we saw that our hands were staying soft, supple and moisturized. We hardly ever needed lotion and there was a visible difference in our skin's appearance and feel.
Fast forward to almost a year later and Farmhouse Soaps was created. I have made the decision to begin this cottage business as a wonderful way to continually express my creative side, offer outstanding quality products to family, friends and the community, as well as help provide for my family financially.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. I hope to continually bring you exciting products and hope that you love these soaps as much as I love making them!
All the best,

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