Monday, September 1, 2014

Getting Braver Bar by Bar

Making soap can be an intimidating process.  I remember when I made my first batch of soap at home....on my own.  I had taken a class years - yes, years - before and just decided at the time it was too much work so I shelved the idea of making soap at home.

But then I decided I was ready to tackle that first batch - going solo in my kitchen - yikes, oh ya - it was scary!

What if I drop the lye water - how do I clean it up?

What if I get a chemical burn on my skin - will it be okay?

What if I can't get the temperatures to match - what do I do?

What if I have an epic fail!!!!!!!

What if, what if, what if!!!
Good gravy - I just finally jumped in and made a basic 4Lb batch of soap.

Honestly, easy peasy!

Then.....I began to get braver and my daughter made me an 8# mold.  Wow, I could make a double batch all at one time - that's cool.  But that meant doubling my formula and working with that many more elements. Oh my - can I do it?

Honestly, easy peasy!!, I got really brave.  I melted enough oils to make one 8Lb. mold and two 4 Lb molds - yep, 16 Lbs. of soap at one time.  I did my calculations and once the oils were all melted and blended I separated my oils into two batches. 

Honestly, easy peasy!!!

I divided my melted oils into two pots ~ made the first 8 Lb batch of soap....Patchouli with a beautiful brown sparkle mica swirl.
And yes, I do remember the smell of Patchouli from the 60's - I liked it then and I still like it now.  This is gonna be a popular soap - I'm sure of it!

Patchouli Soap just poured into the 8 Lb. mold

Then I used my remaining oils to make two 4 Lb. molds of Coconut Lime Verbena.  This is such a favorite and I am making it often so I don't run out again. Lesson learned!

Coconut Lime Verbena just cut from the mold
And there you have it.  I was so worried about doubling my batch, but it really was simple and easy.  It saved me so much time and in the span of 2-1/2 hours I was able to make 16 pounds of soap - 44 bars and some samples to boot!

Why do we set ourselves up to think things will be so difficult??
Rhetorical question of course.
It seems so easy to convince ourselves that we can't do things, so we don't.
But when we try, what do we discover - easy peasy!

What's next on the soap-making-adventure horizon?? Who knows. 
But I do know one thing - I won't be nervous, I won't talk myself out of it, I will jump in and......
                    Just do it!!

Hope you are having a glorious Labor Day Holiday!

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